Bosch Security Integration Causing Operating System to Crash

Description  As soon as you enable (check the Bosh integration profile . the system will reboot the exacq server service. Product  Server Version 20.03 up to 22.12 were experiencing this crash. Panel in use: Bosch B9512GT Steps to Reproduce  Configure the Add Security Integrations Page in the Client Select the Enable buttonThe server would lock… Continue reading Bosch Security Integration Causing Operating System to Crash

OS on Raid reporting false alarm.

Description: We have seen where ExacqVision is reporting a false alarm on the hardware page with systems that have the OS on RAID. The system drives show up RED in the GUI. This is a result from storcli reporting back “unkown” for the temperature. Product: The option for OS on RAID is available for all… Continue reading OS on Raid reporting false alarm.

Enhanced vs Standard Security on Illustra cameras

After logging into your Illustra camera for the first time, accepting the End User License Agreement, and creating a Host ID, you will be asked to select a security mode. Enhanced is selected by default. As the message indicates, Enhanced will automatically select several advanced security options, such as enabling additional authentication needs, like forcing… Continue reading Enhanced vs Standard Security on Illustra cameras