Removing MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM)


MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) has been found to have some exposure to CVE-2021-44228, the Apache Log4j remote code execution vulnerability, see statement from Broadcom Log4j2 Exposure (CVE-2021-44228).   It is possible that MSM was installed on your exacqVision NVR even though a RAID controller card is not present. If that is the case MSM can be uninstalled using the following instructions.

NOTE: If the NVR has a RAID controller card please see one of our Replacing MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) Knowledge Base Articles for other options.


  • Windows 10 (x64)
  • Windows Server 2016 (x64)
  • Windows Server 2019 (x64
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Earlier
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Ubunutu 20.04 LTS

Uninstalling MSM on Windows

  • Press the Windows key on keyboard to open the Start menu
  • Locate and select MegaRAID Storage Manager
  • Expand and select Uninstall
  • Confirm that you want to remove MegaRAID Storage Manager
  • Right click on MegaRAID Manager icon on desktop and click “Delete”

Uninstalling MSM on Linux

  • Double-click the Terminal icon on the desktop
  • Elevate to root using sudo -i 
  • Remove the MSM package using dpkg -r 
  • Ensure that the dpkg command completes with no errors.
  • Close the Terminal window
Example of removing MSM on Linux