Samsung QNP-6230x Motion not Working After Selecting a PTZ Preset


After selecting a PTZ preset motion appears to stop working in the camera’s web interface. If you edit the motion settings in the client, the motion will events will start to work in the camera again.


Camera models:

  • QNP-6230 PTZ
  • QNP-6230H PTZ


  • fw 1.40.02_20191031
  • fw 1.40.03_20201203_R410

Steps to Reproduce 

Have the camera setting on the home preset.

  1. Select a second PTZ preset for the camera to move to. In the photo below you can see that the camera’s web interface indicates motion has stopped in the graph to the right of the camera’s image.
  1. Motion stops working in the cameras gui.
  2. Go to client and edit any motion window settings.
  3. Motion will resume in the cameras gui.
  4. Note if on a tour- this will also be affected by the movement of the presets.

Expected Results 

PTZ tours or presets should work after the camera moves to the new preset location.

Actual Results 

The camera stops detecting motion events after a preset is selected and the camera has moved.


Testing has shown that firmware 2.10.02_20220324_R614 has corrected this behavior on the camera.
