DMP intrusion panel XR550 requires 8 characters and all capitalized


Refer to ​#d17458.

Apparently, DMP intrusion panel model XR550 requires the remote key to be 8 characters long, all capitalized.

If your remote key is less than 8 characters, you need to enter trailing spaces into exacqVision to get 8 characters.

If your remote key contains any lower-case characters, you need to enter capitals into exacqVision in order to connect. 


  • exacqVision Server

Steps to Reproduce 

  • Connect to the XR550 using a remote key less than 8 characters.

Expected Results 

  • The XR550 is connected successfully.

Actual Results 

  • Connection attempt results in ‘Invalid credentials’


After entering the remote key, continue adding spaces until the total number of characters is 8.