exacqVision UBAD / UGOOD Messages


Meaning of the UBAD or UGOOD messages, most commonly seen in RAID Controller, but may appear in Storage.


  • exacqVision Server


  • UGOOD (Unconfigured Good)

    This means a drive has been found that does not have a RAID configuration, but was not automatically imported into the RAID as a replacement drive.<br><br>
  • UBAD (Unconfigured Bad)

    A drive may enter this state if it was unexpectedly powered off or disconnected. The drive should be re-seated and imported back into the array. 

    If the problem returns, the drive should be swapped with another drive, then follow the problem to diagnose.<br><br>


If the same disk, moved to another slot, goes back to the UBAD status, the disk itself is bad. Replace the drive.

If the previously good drive, moved into the same slot, goes into a UBAD state, the backplane or cabling may be the problem. Check the cabling. If the cabling looks okay and is seated properly, RMA/Repair the machine. 
