False Positive drives offline status for disks labeled “sat” – invalid disk type errors

False Positive drives offline for disks labeled “sat” – invalid disk type errors

Exacq Support has identified an issue with SMART attribute labels causing false positive drive offline errors on the hardware tab of ExacqVision Client.

Some Disks may show error of “invalid disk type”  

Some systems may contain drives that get listed as “sat” instead of “ata” or “scsi” per smartctl -j -scan queries. This labeling causes the Hardware Tab of ExacqVision Client to show some drives offline, though data can be written to and retrieved from this drive.


-ExacqVision Server – ExacqVision Server

Steps to Reproduce 

  1. Update ExacqVision Server from version 22.09 to versions 22.12 thru versions 23.06.
    2. Observer the Hardware tab for select drives showing “offline” status.
    3. Verify can write data to drive that shows offline

Expected Results 

Drives should remain with status of “Healthy” on hardware tab after update.

Actual Results 

Select Drives may show false positive error/status of “Offline”


Update to ExacqVision server 23.09.102 or higher which contains fix for this issue.