Storage Page Volume and Hardware tabs Missing after Hardening / de-elevating Linux NVR

Volume and hardware tabs are missing from the storage page after running the command from the hardening guide and choosing “Yes” to de-elevate.

sudo dpkg --reconfigure -p low edvrserver

To resolve this issue:

Start with a working exacqVision Server that has not been de-elevated.

Note: if you have previously run the Hardening/de-elevating command and the volume and hardware tabs are missing then you must first purge and re-install exacqVision Server before performing these instructions.

  • Download the storcli update from  https://docs.broadcom.coocs/
  • From terminal Navigate to the folder where was downloaded
    cd ~/Downloads
  • Unzip the file with the command
  • Navigate to the extracted Unified_storcli_all_os/Ubuntu directory
    cd Unified_storcli_all_os/Ubuntu
  • Install the update
    sudo dpkg -i storcli_007.1912.0000.0000_all.deb
  • reconfigure edvrserver to de-elevate
    sudo dpkg --reconfigure -p low edvrserver

Both the Volume and Hardware tabs should now be present in the exacqVision Client

See for additional details.