Adding the Arecont AV20476RS quad-imager camera with the ONVIF plugin may not have all (4) imager streams connect to the server


Adding the Arecont Vision ConteraIP Omni LX RS AV20476RS quad-imager IP cameras with the ONVIF plugin (onvifnvcPI) may not have all (4) imager streams connect to the server. Only (3) of the (4) imagers show as connected.


All but one one imager on the client camera “settings” page appear functional and display live video. The camera’s management web page shows all (4) imager video streams as functional.

The error condition is listed in the log as:

10/1/2020 10:58:08.956 AM (GMT-5:00) onvifnvcPI Critical Plug-in Read thread exiting due to bad function call

Root Cause:

It was caused by an issue with the handling of the “delayed tasks” queue. Additional measures were added to the “cancel task” component and an increase in the number of simultaneous CURL command requests for the “non-delayed” queue was made to address this issue.


None available — upgrade is required.

Introduced In:

Server version 20.06.9

Fixed In:

Server version 20.12 or later