For Debugging Purposes, The Logging of Additional Information Related to the Storage Self-Tests May Be Enabled.

New Feature:

For debugging purposes, the logging of additional information related to the Storage Self -Tests may be enabled. Starting with server version 19.08, it is now possible to collect additional information about storage self-tests. evselftestYYYY-MM-DD.txt files in the server/logs path will trace all of the commands that evselftest issues along with their corresponding output. This feature is turned on when the EvselftestLogEnabled attribute under “Storage” is set to “1” in sysmgmtpi.xml. The feature is for debugging purposes only and should not be left on for an extended period of time since log files might store a large amount of data depending on hardware configuration and test duration. Each command execution is traced with a time stamp prefix followed by the inter-process communications (IPC) command. The output is framed by “start output” and “end output” timestamps. The command output between these markers is not timestamped.


08:33:55: smartctl –scan
08:33:55: start output
/dev/sda -d scsi # /dev/sda, SCSI device
/dev/sdb -d scsi # /dev/sdb, SCSI device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,8 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_08], SCSI device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,9 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_09], SCSI device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,10 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_10], SCSI device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,11 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_11], SCSI device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,12 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_12], SCSI device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,13 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_13], SCSI device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,14 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_14], SCSI device
/dev/bus/0 -d megaraid,15 # /dev/bus/0 [megaraid_disk_15], SCSI device
08:33:55: end output

Introduced In:

  • Version 19.08.29


  • All