Presently, Direct Access of Cloud-Drive with exacqVision Client Does Not Support Camera Names or OSD Time & Date.

exacqVision Client direct access of Cloud-Drive storage does not list cameras by server configured camera names or display video time & date stamp.

Customers that attempt to review Cloud-Drive video from an off-site independent exacqVision Client pointed at the Cloud Drive URL with the proper credentials will be faced with the following limitations.


1. The exacqVision Client Search Cameras page shows a Cloud folder where the cameras are listed by a unique 6-digit name.  The original server configured names are not associated in any way with the new camera names making it more difficult to locate a particular camera by the new name alone. This information is not stored in the cloud so the client has no way of accessing it.

  • Cameras
    • Cloud (Folder)
      • 0123456789AB
        • [ ] 361568
        • [X] 361312
        • [ ] 361569
        • [ ] 361570
        • [ ] 362080
        • [ ] 361571

2. The exacqVision Client Search Cameras page has no On-Screen Display of the time & date stamp unlike when the Client connects through the server.

Figure 1. exacqVision Client connected directly to Cloud Drive

No Workaround:

  • None available.

Unfortunately there is no immediate solution, neither of the two items are presently supported.  The original camera names are not stored in the Cloud-Drive so the remote client has no way of accessing them.  The video time & date stamp is not provided by the Cloud-Drive either.  These items have been raised as feature enhancement requests to Cloud-Drive Product Line Management for future discussion and possible inclusion.