Archiving continually says “Disconnected” on Linux systems 12.04 and Older

When connecting an NVR running Ubuntu 12.04 or older to a newer S-series you may have issues with it connecting and displaying the “Disconnected” message on the archiving page; even thou everything is correct and systems running Ubuntu 14.04 or newer DO NOT have this issue.

When you search the logs, you will see a message stating it failed to connect.

There is a combination of configuration defaults that prevent an Ubuntu 12.04 server (or older) establishing an SMB connection to an Ubuntu 18.04+ (S-Series) server.

Samba changed their “allow ntlm” default from yes to no in version 4.5.0 The version of Samba available for Ubuntu 16.04 is ​4.3.11 (still allows ntlm, no connection issue), and Ubuntu 18.04 is ​4.7.6 (does not allow ntlm by default, so can’t connect).

The workaround used at the customer is to re-allow ntlm on the S-Series by adding ntlm auth = yes to the /etc/samba/smb.conf on the S-Series server and restarting smbd service.

You will need to either be right on the S-series or SSH in to it.

Run the following command in terminal from the S-series

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add the following in to it right above domains….. ntlm auth = yes

Make sure you save it when finished.

Next, restart the SMB service…

From terminal type the following sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

Now, go back in to the Exacq Client>Archiving and disable archiving and re-enable it and it should connect.
