Affected Systems: Linux 14.04 <br> Problem: Customer receives dialog box on user and admin OS accounts that EFI (/boot)is full. <br> Workaround: Give user account rights to /run/user/Open TerminalAs admin: sudo chown user -R /run/userDisable housekeeping on admin accountgsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.housekeeping active falseDisable housekeeping on user accountsu usergsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.housekeeping active false
Month: May 2021
Web Client API does not persist login credentials to older web services (Legacy)
Affected Versions Web API 7.6.0 <br> Description When using the method EVWEB2.Server.login to log into a server on a web service of version 3.2-3.8, the EVWEB2.Server object returned in the callback has incorrect values. Notably, the name parameter will be replaced with an empty string and the detailInfo property will be set to an EVWEB2.ServerDetailInfo… Continue reading Web Client API does not persist login credentials to older web services (Legacy)
Cameras might not automatically connect to Una server after deleting camera and manually scanning.
Product exacqVision Server 7.6 on Una servers Description When multiple cameras belonging to more than one plugin (say, E-series and Illustra Essentials) are deleted at the same time by multi selecting them in the client, they will no longer “auto add” correctly afterwards. Workaround Add the camera manually from the discovery results OR restart the… Continue reading Cameras might not automatically connect to Una server after deleting camera and manually scanning.
tDVR compression artifacts on low-light frames
Affected Versions exacqVision recorders using version 1.2.22 firmware for tDVR capture boards <br> Description The 1.2.22 release included a fix for large frame sizes at night/low light. This fix was found to also cause occasional but severe periods of very low frame sizes which showed as “blocky” video/compression artifacts. <br> Workaround None <br> Resolution Install… Continue reading tDVR compression artifacts on low-light frames
exacqVision Client slowdown on the System Information page w/ large numbers of connected users
Product exacqVision Client 7.6 and earlier <br> Description When a large number of users are connected to the server, the System Information page can slow down, causing the screen to hang and the cursor to “hourglass”. This can happen with heavy Exacq Mobile 3 usage since Video Push was introduced, as the web service makes… Continue reading exacqVision Client slowdown on the System Information page w/ large numbers of connected users
E-Series encoders show invalid resolution and framerate after changing settings
Affected Versions exacqVision Server/Client 7.3.4 or later <br> Description After changing the framerate or resolution, exacqVision will show an invalid resolution and framerate <br> Workaround None <br> Resolution Update exacqVision Server and Client to 7.8.0 or higher <br>
Upgrading OEM Server can lose some configuration settings
Affected Versions exacqVision Server 4.5 or later <br> Description After upgrade, the OEM system could lose system name, DHCP server flags, bookmarks, outbound connections, user accounts, AD/LDAP settings, and bandwidth throttling settings. <br> Workaround Export server settings before updating, then import back server settings. <br> Resolution Update exacqVision Server to 7.6.2 or higher <br>
Web service running on Linux fails to dewarp cameras
Affected Versions <br> Description In web service 7.6 (Linux only), dewarping of fisheye cameras does not work. These cameras do not show any dewarping options in the web client or Exacq Mobile 3 app. <br> Workaround None <br> Resolution Fixed in exacqVision Web Service 7.6.3
Dewarping of Dahua cameras not working on web client or Exacq Mobile 3 (Legacy)
Affected Versions <br> Description In web service 7.6 (Windows only), dewarping of Dahua fisheye cameras does not work. These cameras do not show any dewarping options in the web client or Exacq Mobile 3 app. <br> Workaround <br> Resolution Update exacqVision Web Service to version 8.2.2 or higher <br>
Call to EVWEB2.Search.step returning invalid values in web API
Affected Versions exacqVision web API 7.5.18 <br> Description JavaScript API calls to EVWEB2.Search.step() return NaN instead of the actual frame number. <br> Workaround – Open C:\Program Files (x86)\exacqVision\WebService\Apache\htdocs\api-v2.js or /var/www/api-v2.js in a text editor – Replace the string “var newFrame=parseInt(data,10)” with “var newFrame=parseInt(data.frame,10)” – Save the file. Or, install development build 7.7.19 of the web… Continue reading Call to EVWEB2.Search.step returning invalid values in web API