Description Certain models of Illustra cameras, on connection, may cause server to stop streaming from all other Illustra cameras. Steps to reproduce Add a ISL02P6OCWTT, firmware (Local for Local camera that doesn’t comply with NDAA) Expected result all supported illustra3 cameras continue to record Actual result all illustra3 cameras stop recording (plugin’s read thread… Continue reading Certain Illustra models may cause recording to stop
Month: May 2021
The camera is showing connected but not streaming videos
If the camera is connected to ExacqVision Server and showing connected on the add IP camera page but not streaming videos and showing acquiring video. That means the RTSP streaming port may need to be opened on the Firewall, normally 554
RtspServerPI may not be installed on Linux
Description RTSP server is no longer seen in the tree under Add IP camera after upgrade to 20.12. If the server version is rolled back to 20.09 it can be seen again. This does not seem to affect windows installs Tested Version 20.12.x Platform Linux Steps to reproduce install/update server Expected result rtspserverpi is installed… Continue reading RtspServerPI may not be installed on Linux
Unable to login through web service as restricted user
Issue This only applies to Start licensed systems. If a restricted user attempts to login to a server through the web service (thin client or Exacq Mobile 3), a login error may be received even when valid credentials are provided. In this case, the exacqVision server does not have any logs indicating failed login attempts.… Continue reading Unable to login through web service as restricted user
MAC addresses on GPoE all show zero’s
If you run in to an issue on a G-series where the Data and Management Ports show a MAC address of 02-00-00-00-00-00 you will need to reimage the NVR with the latest Linux Image Added: May 11, 2021 or newer.
Illustra Thermal camera setup
Temperature Scale:Exacq defaults to Fahrenheit. Go into the Client Settings page and check the box for displaying the temps in Celsius Client Temperature Display: Client / Server 21.06 or later is needed In live mode right-click on the thermal camera and select ‘View Analytics’The temperature will only be displayed when someone is above the high… Continue reading Illustra Thermal camera setup
Illustra Corridor Mode Motion masks do not match between the client and the camera web application
Tyco Illustra Pro Gen3 cameras placed in Corridor Mode will not have motion masks/detection zones that match between the exacqVision Client’s camera settings page and the camera’s web browser graphical interface. Nothing can be done to perfectly synchronize the motion masks/detection zones between the two interfaces.
Illustra cameras are rejecting analytic overlay OSD configuration
Description:User cannot change OSD colors for rules defined in Analytics tab in Camera configuration Tested Version:20.09.08 Fixed:
Server not recording to iSCSI volumes
Description:If all the storage drives are ISCSI, then “Recording Not Possible” is seen on the Storage page of the desktop client.If some storage drives are local, then recording only happens to local drives, thus reduces the overall content age of the oldest available video/audio.Workaround: Fixed Version:21.03.107 Back patched and available in 21.03.7
Validating Certificate Permissions for SSL and HTTPS on Linux for WebService
In this example using Letsencrypt SSL certificates. The webservice is behind HAProxy and was not been able to successfully configure HAProxy to update Letsencrypt certificates over HTTP. Therefore, I manually updated the certificate. /etc/webservice/tls/server.crt _> /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -> /etc/letsencrypt/live/ updating the certificates, I linked the original to the new certificates in the Letencrypt folder:When I try… Continue reading Validating Certificate Permissions for SSL and HTTPS on Linux for WebService