Server not recording to iSCSI volumes

If all the storage drives are ISCSI, then “Recording Not Possible” is seen on the Storage page of the desktop client.
If some storage drives are local, then recording only happens to local drives, thus reduces the overall content age of the oldest available video/audio.


  • Make sure the iscsi service starts before exacq:
    ​See: Set iSCSI Storage to Start Before ExacqVision Server in Windows
  • Stop exacqVision Server service/ daemon
  • Remove/rename/un-install archivepi.dll (windows) or (linux) in the installpath/plugins folder
    (note if renaming, must rename to NOT .dll extension or .so on Linux)
  • Start exacqVision server service/daemon

Fixed Version:
Back patched and available in 21.03.7