Measuring Bandwidth Usage in Ubuntu 10.04

To measure bandwidth usage in Ubuntu 10.04, install nload. It is preinstalled on Ubuntu, but it is not in the exacqVision image. Customers with custom installations of Ubuntu 10.04 or 12.04 likely already have nload.

Run the following command to install:

$ sudo apt-get install nload

To use nload, just run nload in a terminal. Alternatively, you can specify an interface, which is a more likely use-case:

$ nload eth0

You can also nload multiple interfaces. This is useful for a number of reasons, such as if a customer is not clear which interface is designated for the camera network; nload will quickly show the interface with the biggest load. To do this, use the ‘-m’ flag and specify the interfaces you want to analyze:

$ nload -m eth0 eth1

By default, nload will show data in bits. You can easily change this by using a switch. For instance, use a “k” (for kBits/s) or an “m” (for mBits/s) preceding the interfaces you want to watch.

$ nload -m k eth0 eth1

Here is an example output of a multiple-interface analyzation:

Here is an example output of a single interface in nload: