How to Determine Whether a File is Bookmarked

NOTE: For better understanding of this article, you should be familiar with the basic filename format for exacqVision data (see

A file is known to contain bookmarked content if:

  • The filename plugin ID (XXXX in the file name) matches the device manufacturer’s ID (list of available IDs:
  • The device number (YY in the file name) matches the camera’s device number. The device number for a camera can be found only by looking at the configuration XML file for the corresponding manufacturer in the server installation directory.
  • The file content’s start time (as seen in the file’s full path and MMSS of the filename) is no earlier than five minutes before the bookmark’s start time (as seen on the exacqVision Search page when desired bookmark is selected).
  • The file content’s start time (as seen in the file’s full path and MMSS in the filename) is no later than two minutes after the bookmark’s end time (as seen on the exacqVision Search page when desired bookmark is selected).


Bookmark start time = 5/8/2014 18:03:56
Bookmark end time = 5/8/2014 18:10:52
Filename format = MMSS-XXXXYYZZ (plus extension)
Files are located inside directory 2014/05/08/18.


These files are bookmarked, as the start time of 0 minutes and 3 seconds is less than five minutes before the bookmark start time of 3 minutes and 56 seconds.

These files are bookmarked, as the start time of 5 minutes and 3 seconds is between the bookmark start time of 3 minutes and 56 seconds and the bookmark end time of 10 minutes and 52 seconds.

These files are bookmarked, as the start time of 10 minutes and 3 seconds is between the bookmark start time of 3 minutes and 56 seconds and the bookmark end time of 10 minutes and 52 seconds.

These files are not bookmarked, as the start time of 15 minutes and 3 seconds is more than two minutes after the bookmark end time of 10 minutes and 52 seconds.