Western Digital Gold and Ultrastar drives are incorrectly reported with temperature “Threshold Exceeded” status

Issue Adding Western Digital (WD) Gold and Ultrastar Enterprise class SATA hard disk drives to server versions prior to 19.06 will result in the drives being incorrectly reported with a temperature “Threshold Exceeded” status. Although verified with these two particular series of drives, the issue may apply to others as well. Root Cause The software… Continue reading Western Digital Gold and Ultrastar drives are incorrectly reported with temperature “Threshold Exceeded” status

exacqVision Command Line Interface (eV-CLI) does not support reusing the video window.

The exacqVision Command Line Interface (eV-CLI), DOES NOT have the ability to reuse the same Client instance to display a different video NOR does it have a way of closing the existing instance prior to launching a new one.

PostgreSQL 9.6 End of Life

PostgreSQL 9.6 is currently bundle with exacqVision Enterprise Manager.  This version will reach end of life in November 2021.  The PostgreSQL Global Development Group will release the final update for 9.6 on November 11, 2021.  See their versioning page for details at https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ AWS has announced PostgreSQL 9.6 on will reach end of life on… Continue reading PostgreSQL 9.6 End of Life

Mechanical PTZ tab will not show up for Samsung cameras

When updating ExacqVision Server straight to 21.03 from a version prior to 9.8 the mechanical PTZ tab disappears. On the previous version below 9.8, update to ExacqVision Server 19.12 and verify the mechanical PTZ tab is there. Then update to ExacqVision Server 21.03 and verify the mechanical PTZ tab is there. If it is not,… Continue reading Mechanical PTZ tab will not show up for Samsung cameras

New override for Dahua based OEM IP Cameras for UTC Timezone.

Issue: Adding a camera, disabling or re-enabling the camera, restarting the exacqVision server service, or rebooting the exacqVision Server, causes the server to set the camera’s timezone, for all cameras that allow it, to Coordinated Universal Time (also known as Universal Time Coordinated, UTC, UTC+0, UTC+00:00, “Z time”, or “Zulu Time”).  This is preferred for… Continue reading New override for Dahua based OEM IP Cameras for UTC Timezone.

Using Axis Networked Speakers with exacqVision for Pre-Recorded Clips

Description Axis networked speaker(s) are individually capable of having pre-recorded audio clips loaded onto them for playback. Audio effects such as door bells, barking dogs, event announcements, and more may be desired for a given site. Models C1410 / C2005 Playback of audio files from the network speaker(s) cannot be triggered through exacqVision Client or… Continue reading Using Axis Networked Speakers with exacqVision for Pre-Recorded Clips