Axis analytic event linking items become invalid from add/remove analytic application in camera.

Description This issue was discovered when we implemented additional shock analytic event support for the Axis plugin. The event linking items were not assigned an unique id but rely on the next item in the list. So if additional analytic event applications are loaded, the initial ID assigned to the analytic event linking item would… Continue reading Axis analytic event linking items become invalid from add/remove analytic application in camera.

Days recorded displayed is incorrect

Description The days recorded value in the Systems page is incorrect. It is displaying the number of days since the Unix epoch (6/1/1970). <br> Version Introduced 7.9.24 <br> Platform Web Service / All <br> Steps to reproduce Open the web client and log into a server.View the Systems Page <br> Expected result The “Days Recorded”… Continue reading Days recorded displayed is incorrect

AVI exports fail

Description In the web service, exports in AVI format fail. The export is started, but no progress is ever shown and the export never completes. <br> Version Introduced 7.7.24 <br> Platform Web Service/Windows <br> Steps to reproduce On the search page, create an export, selecting the AVI format. Expected result The export progresses as expected. <br>… Continue reading AVI exports fail

Web service cannot connect to multiple servers at the same address

Description If web service with more than one server at the same address, but different ports, those servers are not treated independently. When accessing these servers through the web service, only the first will handle requests. <br> Version Introduced 7.5.32 <br> Platform All <br> Steps to reproduce Configure two servers at the same IP with… Continue reading Web service cannot connect to multiple servers at the same address

Exporting video logs out of all connected servers

Description Exporting video logs out of all connected servers. <br> Version Introduced 8.1.5 <br> Platform Web Service <br> Steps to reproduce Create a searchStart a video exportWhen the export is complete, click on an exported file to download. <br> Expected result The logged in servers are not logged out. <br> Actual result The servers are… Continue reading Exporting video logs out of all connected servers

Onvif mis-handle partial socket receive and could cause delay in connection

Description This bug caused the Onvif configuration failed to handle a complete soap message when they are partially send. The end result is that there would be a long delay before the camera would be “connected” <br> Version Introduced r34959 (dev build 5_1_9_34964) <br> Platform All <br> Steps to reproduce Use the Hitachi DI-CB320G(F8-48-97-9E-76-9E root/admin)… Continue reading Onvif mis-handle partial socket receive and could cause delay in connection

Dahua/Illustra Essentials plugin failed to post NTP server address on the camera at startup.

Description Dahua plugin which also supports Illustra Essentials failed to set the NTP server on the camera during initial connection time. By default if there is no override ntp server, the plugin should push the address of the server as NTP on the camera. <br> Version Introduced r71495 (dev build build <br> Platform All… Continue reading Dahua/Illustra Essentials plugin failed to post NTP server address on the camera at startup.

Product Security Advisory – CVE-2021-3156

OverviewUbuntu recently announced security vulnerabilities that impact the exacqVision Network Video Recorder versions which use the Ubuntu Linux operating system. These affect a built-in Linux application called “Sudo” which controls the provisioning of super user (administrator) access to the operating system which, under certain circumstances, could be leveraged by an attacker to achieve unauthorized privilege… Continue reading Product Security Advisory – CVE-2021-3156

Video export downloads are slow

Description Downloading exported video from the web service is extremely slow. <br> Version Introduced 7.9.24 <br> Platform All Steps to reproduce Create a video export in the web client.Click the download link for the export. <br> Expected result The file downloads at a reasonable rate (dependent on user’s bandwidth) <br> Actual result The file downloads… Continue reading Video export downloads are slow

ePlayer failing to load dewarping libraries

Description ePlayer is failing to load dewarp libraries <br> Version Introduced 7.9.20 <br> Platform Windows <br> Steps to reproduce Create an exe export from the client for any fisheye cameraOpen the exe export <br> Expected result ePlayer should be able to dewarp the video <br> Actual result ePlayer is not able to dewarp the video… Continue reading ePlayer failing to load dewarping libraries