Delay in Displaying Live Video from Integrations


Specifically reported for Victor and Entrapass, but other integrations may be affected.

When requesting live video from multiple cameras through an integration that uses a separate server connection for each camera (such as Victor or Entrapass), there is a delay of ~1 sec per camera being requested before video is displayed, e.g., requesting a 9 camera view will take over 9 seconds before video is displayed.

This delay occurs when bandwidth throttling is enabled on the server.


Version Introduced

r9104, r96653





Steps to reproduce

Enable bandwidth limiting.


Expected result

Expected fast average connection time (~0.05 seconds).


Actual result

On some servers, the average connection time is ~ 1 second.


Work Around

Server version < 7.7.26

  • disable bandwidth throttling from any client

Server version >= 7.7.26

  • disable bandwidth throttling using a client version < 7.7.18* Using a client


  1. edit the streampi.xml file
  2. stop service
  3. edit streampi.xml



  4. Start Service


Version Fixed

