Using NFS Protocol for Archiving

Archiving using NFS protocol instead of SMB protocol is possible starting with exacqVision Server 6.9.11 and exacqVision Client 6.9.14. However, the following steps might be required to enable NFS archiving functionality.

NOTE: Existing archive target configurations cannot be changed to use NFS. In those cases, a new archive target configuration must be created.


  1. Install the nfs-common package with sudo apt-get install nfs-common
  2. Restart evServer daemon with sudo service edvrserver restart
  3. Use 6.7.x.x exacqVision Client to configure the NFS share. The share name MUST immediately follow the archive target IP/Hostname. This means that the NFS share name might have to be exported at the root / of the NFS server.


Windows XP:

NFS client is not supported.

Windows 7 Embedded / Enterprise / Windows 7 Professional:

  1. Use the legacy control panel. Open Start Menu and start typing “control” to find and click it.
  2. Control Panel => Programs and Features => Turn Windows features on or off.
  3. Check “Services for NFS” and click OK (includes both admin tools and Client for NFS).
  4. Verify that “Client for NFS” is now listed in Services control panel. Make sure it’s set to automatic start and start it.
    (Refer to ​
  5. Restart exacqVision Server service.
  6. Using the exacqVision Client, go to the Archiving panel, click New button, and verify that NFS is now available in dropdown alongside SMB.

Windows Server 2008 R2 and 2012:

  1. Enable Services For NFS through the Server Manager’s Add Roles wizard.
  2. Using Service Manager, change the Client for NFS service’s Startup Type to Automatic.
  3. Execute the following command: nfsadmin client start.
  4. Restart the exacqVision Server service.
  5. Configure the NFS archive target using exacqVision Client and specify the NFS share type.

Windows Server 2016:

  1. Use the legacy control panel. Open Start Menu and start typing “control” to find and click it.
  2. Control Panel => Programs and Features => Turn Windows features on or off.
  3. Server Manager will appear and Add Roles and Features Wizard will appear.
  4. On “Before You Begin” panel click Next.
  5. On “Installation Type” panel select “role-based or feature-based installation” and click Next.
  6. On “Server Selection” panel select local server and click Next.
  7. On “Server Roles” panel just click Next to retain current settings.
  8. On “Features” panel check “Client for NFS” and click Next.
  9. Confirm and allow it to install.
  10. Verify that “Client for NFS” is now listed in Services control panel. Make sure it’s set to automatic start and start it.
    (Refer to ​
  11. Restart exacqVision Server service.
  12. Using the exacqVision Client, go to the Archiving panel, click New button, and verify that NFS is now available in dropdown alongside SMB.


  1. Axis devices do not support NFS.
  2. No manual steps are needed for other Edge devices. Simply use an updated version of exacqVision Server and Client.


  1. Install the nfs-kernel-server package with sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
  2. Restart exacqVision Server service.
  3. Using the exacqVision Client, go to the Archiving panel, click New button, and verify that NFS is now available in dropdown alongside SMB.