exacqVision Server crashes and/or triggers watchdog reboot on system with no page file

Affected platforms




If a page file does not exist on a Windows-based exacqVision system, one or more of the following symptoms may be encountered:

exacqVision Server watchdog log message found in the server log. For example, 7/5/2015 12:02:54 AM tDVRpi Warning tDVR 0 proc 1 err -21 watchdog expired at 2015-07-05 04:00:28

Crash dump is present in the \Server\logs directory. If not corrupt, the dump indicates exception code 0x40000015

Event Log message ID 2004 for Resource Exhaustion is found in the System Event Log

Page File is disabled (see steps below to determine page file setting)



To resolve this problem, enable System page file by performing these steps:

  1. Click Start -> Right Click on Computer -> Properties
  2. Click on Advanced System Settings
  3. Click on Settings in Performance group
  4. Click on Advanced
  5. Under Virtual memory group, click Change
  6. Select System managed size and click Set
  7. Click OK
  8. Reboot the system