Configure the network address of an Illustra Edge camera

Affected platforms

Illustra cameras running the exacqVision Edge application in non-DHCP environments



In a non-DHCP environment, a factory default Illustra camera will acquire a known IP address of Follow these steps to assign the desired IP address to the edge camera:- Connect the Edge camera to the network.

  • Connect a computer to the same switch as the edge camera.
  • On the computer, note your existing network settings and then change the network adapter settings to the following:
  • Assign a static IP to one of the adapters matching 192.168.1.x, where  x is a number 1-254.  Make sure this address is not already used by another machine on the network.
  • Download and run the Illustra Connect Tool utility from Illustra Software Downloads
  • Once it discovers the Edge camera at address, set the network configuration to the desired IP address.
  • Reboot the camera.
  • Change the computer network adapter settings back to the original IP address.
  • Use the IP address to connect to exacqVision Edge server with the exacqVision client.
