*** For Internal Use Only ***
KB 30471 – exacqVision Video File Naming Format
KB 34409 – exacqVision IP Plugin IDs
Search results are tied to a specific IP Camera Plugin and the specific device number for the camera being searched. It is possible to rename the video files (.ps and .psi) to get the old video to be searchable using a different plugin and device number using the following steps.
For this scenario imagine an IllustraFlex camera has been replaced with an Illustra3 camera. The original plugin cannot connect to the new camera, but the customer would like the old video to show up in search results as if it were the new camera seamlessly.
NOTE: Do not delete the old camera from the “Add IP Cameras” page as we will need information from the plugin configuration file to find out how the video was written originally.
Lets say the old camera had this configuration:
Camera Name: “Front Door – East”
Plugin: “IllustraFlex”
IP Address: “”
And the new camera:
Camera Name: “Front Door – East”
Plugin: “Illustra3”
IP Address: “”
First, change the IP address of the old camera to something else (, then disconnect (DO NOT DELETE) the camera on the “Add IP Cameras” page. Next, add the new camera using the Illustra3 plugin.
Open the original camera plugin config file, in this case:
Windows: C:\Program Files\exacqVision\Server\illustraFlexPI.xml
Linux: /usr/local/exacq/server/illustraFlexPI.xml
Find the line which includes the old IP address (in this case and note the Device Number:…Device Number=”44″ Enabled=”1″ ipAddress=”″ username=…
Convert the Decimal device number to two-digit Hexadecimal: http://www.mathsisfun.com/binary-decimal-hexadecimal-converter.html
In this case, Device Number 44 corresponds to two-digit Hexadecimal “2C”
NOTE: If the Hexadecimal is one-digit, preceed it with a “0”.
Open the new camera plugin config file, in this case:C:\Program Files\exacqVision\Server\illustra3.xml
Find the line which includes the new IP address (in this case and note the Device Number:
Convert this device number to two-digit Hexadecimal as well, in this case “7” becomes “07”
The above reference KB 34409 tells you that the IllustraFlex plugin code is “0045”, and the Illustra3 code is “0046”
Now we have all the information we need to rename the video files.
Either rename the files individually, use a recursive command, or use the Bulk Rename Utility for Windows: http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/
In this case you will look for any files that meet the following pattern on all of the data drives, with “*” indicating a wildcard:****-00452C**.ps
Rename them to:****-004607**.ps
Now this video is associated with the new IP Camera’s plugin and device number and should show up in Search results as “Front Door – East”.