Axis M3007 Vs M3047/3048 differences on exacqVision

The M3047/48 are based on different hardware “Ambarella Chipset” when compared to the M3007 cameras.

  • There are some streaming limitations on these cameras and only view areas 1 & 2 are available and no view areas 3 & 4. Although, selecting a dewarped capture mode, you can have overview [fish-eye] plus a dewarped view (view areas 1 & 2 are counted as one dewarped view).
  • The combination of different available views/resolutions in different capture modes are described in the user manual and work is being done will to have this be more clear/specific on the web GUI as well.
  • Selecting the view areas 1 & 2 as dewarped view, you can zoom, pan and tilt on the view areas and then you have the possibility to create preset positions (see page 9 of the user manual). [This can be described as an improvement for those that like modifying view areas]
  • Please be aware that the number of simultaneously pulled and individually configured video streams is a max of 4 on these products. [Because of the Ambarella Chipset]