EdgeStor Issues with Illustra3

Current Issues for using Illustra3 with EdgeStor

  • Camera motion used to trigger Edge recording only records at the start of a motion event with pre/post duration. It does not record again until there is a new motion event.

    Example: If a motion event is detected and continues for an hour, but the pre/post settings are each 10 seconds, the recording will only be 20 seconds in length.
  • It is best for camera configured for continuous Edge recording to be set to GMT-0 and connected to a known, public NTP server.
  • Search on the server might create an overlap of video between EdgeStor video and local server recorded video. This may create a video artifact during playback and/or inconsistent display of vertical bars in the ‘Search Camera’ page. Due to be fixed in a later version. 
  • EdgeStor may drop some video if the camera and/or server disconnected from the network in the middle of retrieving video from the camera. Due to be fixed in a later version.
  • The camera must be in ‘Standard’ mode. A firmware bug causes EdgeStor to fail in ‘Enhanced Security’ mode. 
  • EdgeStor video fails in search if the server is set to a different timezone than local. Due to be fixed in a later version.

Additional Engineering notes and further details can be found here: https://trac.exacq.com/DVR/wiki/TrickleStor