Windows installer may not reinstall new plugins after downgrade/upgrade


If a Windows server is downgraded to a version before a new plugin was added, an upgrade back will not install those plugins by default; this means that an on-server upgrade is needed in order to select the checkboxes during install.

Two notable plugins added in 19.09.0:

  • ccurepi (used to connect to CCure 9000 as a security integration)
  • failbackpi (needed by Enterprise Manager to failback video as part of failover/failback)

If a server is downgraded from 19.09+ to 19.06 or lower, then remote updated back to 19.09+, those two plugins would not be installed on Windows.

This has been fixed in the 20.03 installer, but its only safe to downgrade to 20.03.
E.g. if future plugin (futurepi) is added in 21.09, downgrading to 20.03 then back to 21.09 would reinstall the new plugin as expected.