Panasonic Cameras fail to connect on server version 9.6 or higher with Connection error (407)


Panasonic Cameras fail to connect on server version 9.6 or higher with Connection error (407)



Panasonic cameras fail to connect with an HTTP Connection Error 407.   The http data stream sent for the client is correct, but access to the URL requires the prior use of a proxy server that needs some authentication which has not been provided.  (#17867)

This can be verified using Wireshark to capture packets of the NIC and search for cgi-gin (API for Panasonic) which will show requests being routed through the proxy server.   



  • June of 2018, Panasonic changed to digest authentication only for all new firmware (#15570).
  • September of 2018 Exacq added cURL support to handle digest authentication and https support. 
  • Server version 9.4 and earlier were prior to digest authentication support for Panasonic. 



Delete the registry key which is forcing local traffic through the proxy

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet?\Control\Session 