The standard form for exacqVision camera addresses is as follows:
- The host is required and must be in the format of an IPv4 address or FQDN (dot separated domain location).
- The 1 or more name=value parameters are separated by ? and are optional. These are passed to the device.
- The 1 or more name=value overrides are separated by # marks and are optional, but always last. These are passed to the plugin to modify plugin behavior.
Plugin | Option | Usage |
ACTi | transport=http | HTTP stream support for legacy platforms and user data |
ACTi | transport=rtsp | RTSP stream with separate metadata socket for motion/input trigger/video loss/etc. |
Axis | zoom=config | By default zoom only cameras support. |
Axis | zoom=operation | Force zoom only operation and controls as part of PTZ and live view. |
Axis | blocksize=off | On by default, but could turn off blocksize in the RTSP session for some cameras with streaming issues. |
Axis | transport= {udp,tcp,rtsph,rtsphs} | Transport overrides for use with Secure Streaming |
Axis | tunnelport={1025-65535} | Override for tunnel port when not the same as CGI port. Use as a workaround for only having 1 port input box/XML attribute. |
Axis | timestamp={server,trusted} | Override timestamp to server time(server) for problem cameras or to camera adjusted by RTSP/RTCP per RFC(trusted) |
Arecont | none | |
Dahua | transport= {udp,tcp,rtsph} | Transport overrides for use with Secure Streaming |
Dahua | timestamp = server | Stamp with server time. |
Dahua | timezone=camera | Allow camera to retain timezone when connected to exacq (do not push GMT as we normally do). |
Dahua | timezone=utc | push GMT to device, this is also default if not provided. |
Hikvision | timestamp=rtp | Force to camera timestamp without waiting for RTCP sync. |
Hikvision | transport={tcp,udp,rtsph,rtsphs} | Transport overrides for use with Secure Streaming |
Hikvision | getparameter_override=true | Needed for HQHI-SATA encoder to prevent stream interruption. |
Hikvision | osd_override=off | Allow camera time OSD to be displayed (when enabled on camera) |
Hikvision | timezone=camera | Allow camera to retain timezone when connected to exacq (do not push GMT as we normally do). |
Hikvision | timezone=server | Push GMT timezone to camera (because Illustra standard does NOT do this as default) |
Hikvision1 | timestamp=server | Stamp with server time. |
Hikvision1 | timestamp=rtcp | Stamp with server time until sync with RTCP server report. |
Hikvision1 | support=legacy | Support original CGI interface. |
Hikvision1 | support=isapi | Support ISAPI interface. |
Illustra3 | transport=udp | Stream RTSP session with UDP protocol. |
Illustra3 | zoom=operation | Force zoom only operation and controls as part of PTZ and live view. |
IllustraFlex | none | |
Illustra | none | |
Ioimage | none | |
Ipx | none | |
IQEye | none | |
Onvif | transport=udp | 1 TCP socket for RTSP and up to 6 UDP sockets for video, audio, and application data and their RTCP streams. |
Onvif | transport=rtsp | 1 TCP socket for RTSP with all other streams interleaved in it. |
Onvif | transport=http | Default 2 TCP sockets for RTSP over HTTP over TCP. ( 1 long POST and 1 long GET ) |
Onvif | Profile=x | Connect to a specific profile number. |
Onvif | nat=1 | Support nNAT translation to WAN address. |
Onvif | timestamp=server | Stamp with server time. |
Onvif | bank=x | Select 4 channel encoder banks. |
Onvif | http=1.0 | For Samsung SPE-100/400 that requires http1.0 for live555. |
Onvif | support=profile-s | Force Profile-S implementation for cameras that do not fully support Profile-T. |
Onvif | events=pull or stream | Select metadata event mode when the manufacturer option is ALL. |
Onvif | use_caps={on,off} | Use deprecated GetCapabilities for when GetServices is poorly implemented. |
Onvif | tunnel_alive = auto,get_parameter,set_parameter,options,none | Keep alive mechanism during RTPS-over-HTTP, defaults to auto. |
Onvif | config=dynamic | The override ignores the JSON and uses the camera capabilities |
Panasonic | transport=udp | Stream RTSP session with UDP protocol. |
Panasonic | timestamp=server | Stamp with server time. |
Pelco | transport=udp | Stream RTSP session with UDP protocol. |
RTSP | transport=udp | Stream RTSP session with UDP protocol. |
RTSP | transport={tcp,udp,rtsp,rtsph,rtsphs} | All Transport overrides. |
RTSP | timestamp=server | Stamp with server time. |
RTSP | timestamp=rtcp | Stamp with server time until sync with RTCP server report. |
RTSP | timestamp=trusted | Stamp with cameras time adjusted by RTSP/RTCP per RFC. |
RTSP | stream=x | Select specific stream number. |
RTSP | track=x | Select specific track number. |
RTSP | tunnelport={1025-65535} | Tunneling port replacing the :portnum on URL. |
RTSP | embed_port=* | Forced RTSP URL format in tunnel. |
RTSP | http=1.0,1.1 | Forced RTSP URL version number. |
RTSP | bc_audio=supported | Backchannel audio out. |
RTSP | bc_samplerate=xxxx | Backchannel sampling rate. |
RTSP | bc_samplesize=xxxx | Backchannel sampling size. |
RTSP | bc_mode=ts | Backchannel timestamp mode(duration(default)/timestamp using RTCP adjustment). |
Samsung | transport={tcp,udp,rtsp,rtsph,rtsphs} | Transport overrides for use with Secure Streaming |
Samsung | tunnelport={1025-65535} | Tunneling port if different than one used for CGI. |
Samsung | http=1.0,1.1 | Fix for some older devices. |
Samsung | embed_port=* | Fix Internal URL inside tunnel if needed. |
Sanyo | none | |
Sony | timestamp=server | Stamp with server time. |
StarDot | none | |
UDP | none | |
Vivotek | support=legacy | Use legacy API and support. |
Vivotek | support=onefw | Use OneFW API and live555 stream. |
1 The use of these overrides requires the use of IPv4 dotted address, FQDNs cannot be used.
Override Definitions
Override | Description |
transport | Stream session with the specified protocol { TCP | UDP }. |
timestamp | Stamp frames with server or camera time. |
timezone | { UTC | camera | server } Determine if camera timezone is set to UTC+0, left as camera or set to that of server. |
zoom | Override configuration or operation zoom function. |
blocksize | On by default, but could turn off blocksize in the RTSP session for some cameras with streaming issues. |
profile | Connect to profile number N; N is a number from 1 to the number of profiles supported by the camera. |
nat | Support NAT translation to WAN address. |
bank | Select 4 channel encoder banks. N is 1 – number of banks, usually in set { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}. |
support | Override support API. For example, used by Vivotek to support either legacy or oneFw. |
stream | Select a specific stream ID for devices supporting multiple streams. |
track | Select a specific track for devices supporting multiple media tracks. |
tunnelport | Workaround for our XML and GUI only giving us one box for port. Used if tunnel port is different than CGI and does not come from CGI. |
embed_port | Value does not matter. Forces RTSP URL inside tunnel to put port in the URI if it is default. A small selection of cameras need ip:554 even when in a tunnel over 80 |