SCN-00000007 – PSFPI – Expanded Logging

SCN #SCN-00000007
Title of SCNPSFPI – Expanded Logging
TRAC ##3382
Effective Version9.5.30 – Public 9.6
Products AffectedServer
Reason for Change (Summary)To assist in troubleshooting when drives are rejected for recording.


Traditionally, the File Plugin (PSFPI) has logged ‘could not get record volume’ if no drives were found with space available.  However, there are several scenarios that could lead to this result.  Beginning in 9.6, the plugin will now provide additional logging to help understand the cause.

Additional Documentation

Other information

Here are some examples of the new log messages and their meanings:

PSFPI  Warning  2 of 3 volumes are eligible for recording

This indicates the amount of drives checked for recording eligibility.

PSFPI  Warning  2 bookmarks using 4.38GB

This shows how many files are bookmarked and cannot be deleted.

PSFPI  Warning  system has “At Least” rule configured for 30 days

This indicates if a system wide ‘At Least’ expiration rule is in place and for how long that video cannot be deleted.

PSFPI  Warning  stream 4720384 has “At Least” rule configured for 7 days PSFPI  Warning  stream 4720896 has “At Least” rule configured for 30 days

These indicate if per-device ‘At Least’ expiration rules are in place.

If drives are rejected for recording, the reason is indicated by the following:

PSFPI  Warning  volume C:\ rejected for recording: disabled

Drive has been manually disabled (un-checked) on the ‘Drive” tab.

PSFPI  Warning  volume D:\ rejected for recording: alarmed

Drive is currently in an alarmed state.

PSFPI  Warning  volume /mnt/edvr/2 rejected for recording: insufficient space: 1 GB wanted, 0GB available (reduced space from config slider: 30GB

This indicates that storage space is insufficient because files that cannot be deleted are consuming all available space; including space reserved by the ‘Video Space’ slider.

Once recording starts again, a log message will indicate which drive is now eligible.

PSFPI  Verbose  volume S:\ is now eligible for recording