Replacing an eDVR Board on a Windows-based exacqVision System (Legacy)


The following procedures describe the process for replacing an eDVR board in a Windows-based exacqVision server. If you have an exacqVision server with multiple eDVR boards, complete both procedures; on a single-board system, you can skip directly to the second procedure.

NOTE: You must be logged in to Windows as an Adminsitrator to perform these procedures. If you are logged in as a User (the account used by default for normal operation of the system), select Log Off from the Start menu and click the Log Off button. When the login screen appears, log in as an Administrator. The default password for the Administrator account is “admin256.”

NOTE: It is recommended that you back up your settings before performing these procedures. To do this, run the exacqVision Client, open the Configuration tree, and select the system in which you will replace the eDVR board. Click Export Settings on the System tab, enter a name for the settings file, and click Save. If you need to restore the settings after the procedures, click Import Settings, browse to the settings file, and click Open.

For a system with multiple eDVR boards

  1. From the Start menu, select Run… . Enter services.msc and click OK.
  2. In the Services window, right-click exacqVision Server and select Stop. Wait for the service to shut down. Leave the Services window open.
  3. Start the Control Center application from the Start, Programs, Exacq eDVR Setup menu.
  4. Select the first eDVR board listed under Exacq in the tree on the left side of Control Center. Determine the Device
    Number for the board as listed on the Info tab.
  5. Repeat the previous step for each listed eDVR board. There should be a board with a Device Number of 1, and any additional boards should be numbered 2, 3, and 4 (up to the total number of eDVR boards installed).
  6. If an installed eDVR board is not listed in the tree, note the device number that is not associated with a board. For
    example, if you have a two-board system and the only listed board has a device number of 2, the board that will be replaced is device number 1.
  7. If all the installed eDVR boards are correctly listed, determine which board needs to be replaced by selecting each board and selecting the Test tab. The board that doesn’t display video correctly is the board that needs to be replaced. Note the device number and serial number (12 characters beginning with “SR” or “ER”) for that board by viewing the Info tab.
  8. Close Control Center.
  9. If you are not ready to replace the eDVR board and you want to resume video recording, restart the exacqVision
    Server service. To do this, right-click exacqVision Server in the Services window and select Start. Wait for the service to start.
  10. Close the Services window.

For ALL systems (with a single eDVR board or with multiple eDVR boards)

  1. Obtain the replacement eDVR board from exacq Technologies.
  2. Shut down the exacqVision system.
  3. Disconnect the power cable from the system.
  4. Remove the lid and determine the location of the eDVR board that needs to be replaced.

    NOTE: The location of the eDVR boards and the steps required to remove them vary depending on the exacqVision server model. On a 2U or 4U system with multiple boards lined up horizontally, device number 1 is the top board and device number 2 is the bottom board. On a 4U system with multiple boards plugged into the motherboard, device 1 is the board farthest to the left when looking at the back of the system, and each successive board to the right is device number 2, 3, and so on. If you know the serial number of the board from the previous procedure, look for the serial number sticker affixed to the board (12 characters beginning with “SR” or “ER”). Be sure to note how the cables are connected to the board you remove.
  5. Install the replacement eDVR board and connect all the cables in the same way they were connected to the board
    you removed.
  6. Connect the power cable. If the system does not start automatically, start the system manually. The system will log in to Windows as a User.
  7. Log out of the User account and log in to the Administrator account, as described in the note at the beginning of this article.
  8. From the Start menu, select Run… . Enter services.msc and click OK.
  9. In the Services window, right-click exacqVision Server and select Stop. Wait for the service to shut down. Leave the Services window open.
  10. Start the Control Center application from the Start, Programs, Exacq eDVR Setup menu.
  11. On a single-board system, select the eDVR board under Exacq in the tree on the left side of Control Center. On the
    Info tab, change the Device Number to 1. Click Save.

    On a multiple-board system, determine which listed eDVR board is the replacement by selecting each board and
    viewing the Device Number. The replacement board should be the highest-numbered device and should not match the device number for the board you removed. For example, on a two-board system, the replacement board should be shown as device number 3. You must change the device number of the replacement board to match the device number of the board you replaced, as determined in the previous procedure. Click Save.

    NOTE: It is very important that the replacement eDVR board’s device number matches the device number of the
    board you removed. Failure to assign the correct device number to the replacement board will result in incorrect
  12. Select the Test tab to verify that the new eDVR board is correctly displaying video from the connected cameras.
  13. Close Control Center.
  14. In the Services window, right-click exacqVision Server and select Start. Wait for the service to start.
  15. Close the Services window.
  16. Log out of the Administrator account and log back in to Windows as a User for the normal operation of the system.

    NOTE: If these procedures were not followed precisely, the names of the cameras associated with the replaced
    eDVR board might appear with default names (Input 1, Input 2, and so on). If so, restore the settings that you
    backed up before starting the replacement process.
  17. Return the eDVR board that you removed to Exacq Technologies using the packaging in which the replacement board was shipped. Print the RMA number on the outside of the package and send it to the following address:
    Exacq Technologies, Inc.
    11955 Exit Five Parkway, Building 3
    Fishers, IN 46037 USA
