Monitoring exacqVision servers and exacqVision Enterprise Health Server in Linux

Most Linux distributions have crontab, a program that can be used to monitor exacqVision server and Enterprise Health Server. Crontab can periodically check and restart a process if it stops. The following process for enabling crontab monitoring assumes that you have root access to the Linux computer:

NOTE: These instructions are written for an exacqVision server. To replicate the instructions for Enterprise Health Server, replace “edvrserver” with “evHealthServer” where applicable.

1. In a Terminal window, type the following to open crontab in an editor (select nano if given a choice of editors):

 prompt$  sudo crontab -e

2. In the editor type the following at the start of a new line:

  0-59 * * * *  /etc/init.d/edvrserver status ; [ $? != 0 ] &&  /etc/init.d/edvrserver start

3. Save the change.

4. Verify that the entry appears correctly:

  prompt$  sudo crontab -l

  #  m h  dom mon dow    command     

  0-59 * * * *  /etc/init.d/edvrserver status ; [ $? != 0 ] &&  /etc/init.d/edvrserver start

