exacqVision Drives Incorrectly Marked as Read Only in Ubuntu Linux

If a hard drive in an Ubuntu Linux-based exacqVision system has an error in its file system, it could be marked as read only. This could cause a failure in the process of storing recorded video.

Starting with version 4.9, exacqVision detects whether a drive is read only. To determine whether a hard drive is read only in exacqVision 4.8 and earlier, try to save a temporary file to it by entering sudo touch /mnt/edvr/2/temp.file in a Terminal window (where “/mnt/edvr/2” is the name of the drive). If this command fails, the drive is read only. Alternatively, you can enter cat /proc/mounts and look for “ro” in the result.

To remount drives and change them to read-write, enter sudo mount -a.

