Arecont Panoramic Cameras Disconnecting from exacqVision

This article is applicable to Arecont Panoramic 8xx5 and 20xx5 series cameras. The issue appeared during testing of the following specific models:

–8185 with 65043 firmware

–8185DN with 65170 firmware

–20185DN with 65170 firmware

When you open an Arecont Panoramic camera’s web page, exacqVision could lose its connection to the camera because of different image resolution settings. The default settings of exacqVision (H.264) and the camera’s web page (JPEG) are a common cause of this issue.

You can use the following workaround until the issue is addressed in a future release:

  1. Disable the camera on the IP Camera Setup page in exacqVision. Or, if you need to configure multiple affected cameras, stop the exacqVision Server service.
  2. Open the camera’s web page and select Resolution from the menu above the video.
  3. For 8xx5 models, change the height from 1200 to 1184.
  4. On both 8xx5 and 20xx5 models, change the Resolution to the desired full or half setting (for reference, exacqVision defaults to full).
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Re-enable the camera on the IP Camera Setup page, or restart the exacqVision Server service depending on your choice in step 1.
  7. Verify the resolution on the Camera Recording Setup page, and that the camera stays connected to exacqVision while its web page is simultaneously open in a web browser.

