MAC Address Displayed as All Zeroes on Linux-based Exacq Systems

Virtual Server

Verify that the Network Adapter type is “E1000”. Other adapter types, such as “VMXNET 3” will cause the MAC address to display all zeroes and will fail to load a license.


Physical Server

If exacqVision Client displays a MAC address of 00-00-00-00-00-00 Linux-based systems manufactured by Exacq Technologies, it is likely that the Linux kernel has been updated to a version that is incompatible with the hardware drivers installed. To remedy the situation, you must revert to the previous kernel using the following steps:

  1. Open a Terminal window and type the following:
    dpkg --get-selections | grep linux-headers

    You should see only one version number listed on two lines, as shown in the following graphic (if you see more than one version number here, note of the lowest number; this is the original kernel that needs to be running).

  2. Restart the computer, and then press and hold the right Shift key while it boots. This displays the GRUB menu shown here:

  3. Make sure the cursor is on the lowest numbered option not followed by “(recovery mode),” and then press Enter to boot into the original kernel.<br>
  4. Log in to the operating system as an admin and open a Terminal. Open the Synaptic Package Manager by typing the following:

    sudo synaptic<br>
  5. Click the Search button and type the following:


  6. Click the down arrow to sort the results.

  7. For each item that has a green box and is not the kernel version that you booted into in the previous steps, right-click the package, select Mark for Complete Removal, and click Mark.

    NOTE: Be careful not to mark the version of kernel that is running. To recall the version you are running, open a Terminal and type uname -r<br>
  8. After all packages are marked for complete removal, click Apply.

  9. Open a Terminal window and type the following:

    sudo update-grub
