Replacing or Adding a Hard Drive Using Windows

If you have replaced a failed/failing hard drive, or added an additional hard drive to your Windows system in a JBOD (non-RAID) configuration, the steps below will guide you through setting up the drive for recording using Windows OS tools.

NOTE: It is best practice to make hardware changes with the system powered off.<br><br>

  1. Log into the operating system of the system running the ExacqVision Server application with administrator privileges.<br><br>
  2. Open the Disk Management tool.
    • Windows 11, 10, 8, 7
      Click on the Windows (Start) icon and begin typing ‘Create and format’ or ‘Disk management’ to locate the ‘Create and format hard disk partitions’ option from the Control Panel. Click to open it.
  3. The newly added disk will not be listed by Windows until it has been configured. Windows will typically detect this and automatically prompt you to initialize the new disk. If it does not, simply open the ‘Action’ menu and select ‘Rescan Disks’.
  4. In the pictured example, this is the second SATA spinning hard disk added so it is listed as ‘Disk 2’ under ‘Select disks’.

    Modern disk sizes, greater than 2 TB, require you to select ‘GPT (GUID Partition Table)’ as the partition style. Select ‘OK’ to continue.
  5. The disk now appears as ‘Unallocated’ space.
  6. Right-click the ‘Unallocated’ space and select ‘New Simple Volume…’ to begin the New Simple Volume Wizard.
  7. In the New Simple Volume Wizard, click ‘Next’.<br><br>
  8. You will be asked to specify the volume size. By default this should automatically be set to the size of the entire disk, creating one large partition for the entire disk. This is fine for ExacqVision use and will create one “Drive Letter” for each partition seen by Windows. Click ‘Next’.
  9. The example system, pictured, already has a C: volume for the operating system, as well as a D: volume for the first recording disk. You may select any unused drive letter for your new volume, but it is common to select the next sequential letter, in this case E:, so click ‘Next’.
  10. Use the default chosen, ‘NTFS’ as the File System for the new volume and the ‘Default’ Allocation unit size. You may leave the Volume label as ‘New Volume’ if you choose. Click ‘Next’.
  11. Click ‘Finish’ to accept your selections and close the wizard.<br><br>
  12. The system will quickly format the new volume and you will see this listed in the Disk Management screen.
  13. Before ExacqVision can see this new volume and use it for recording you must restart the ExacqVision Server service.<br><br>
  14. Click on the Windows (Start) icon and begin typing ‘Services’, and click to open Service from the Control Panel.
  15. Locate ExacqVision Server, click to highlight it, and choose one of the following:
    • Click the ‘Restart’ icon from the toolbar.
    • Click the ‘Restart’ link from the left-hand options.
    • Right-click the highlighted ExacqVision Server row and select ‘Restart’.
