How to enable the 2nd SD card slot for Edge recording on dual-slot equipped Axis cameras

How to enable the 2nd SD card slot for Edge recording on dual-slot equipped Axis cameras

Some new Axis cameras come equipped with two SD card slots. By default exacqVision Edge will not recognize both slots. To enable the 2nd SD card slot for storage peform the following steps:

1. Using a web browser, open http://x.x.x.x/admin-bin/editcgi.cgi?file=/usr/local/packages/ExacqVision/, where “x.x.x.x” is the ip address of the camera.
2. Add this line to the end of the file: ln -s ${MNT_POINT}2 ${PKGDIR}/edvr/1
3. Click Save.
4. Stop and start the exacqVision server.

