How to disable zoom control in Live view for motorized zoom cameras


Some fixed cameras provide a motorized zoom feature that is useful to set the field of view. Generally, setting the field of view is done once during initial configuration and not performed frequently during normal viewing of the scene. For some cameras, adjusting the field of view may take the camera out of focus. Due to these reasons, it is often desirable to prohibit zoom control on the Live page of the exacqVision Client.

The following steps describe how to disable zoom control:

1) Navigate to the Mechanical PTZ tab on the camera Settings page.
2) Use Zoom function to place the camera at the position which provides the appropriate field of view.
3) Change the drop down setting of Serial Port to Off.
4) On the Video tab click on the Auto Focus button.

The camera will no longer be able to zoom in/out by accident on the Live page using the mouse scroll wheel. To make any further changes in the camera’s field of view using the zoom feature, you will need to go back to the Mechanical\PTZ tab in camera settings and turn the Serial Port back to IP. Once done making adjustments, be sure to turn this setting back to Off

