How to Configure Suspect Tracking

How to configure suspect tracking

Introduced in exacqVision 8.0, suspect tracking provides users with a visual method of following a person or object moving through several camera scenes.

Suspect tracking is featured as a new tab on the camera settings page. If you already have cameras laid out on a map that includes the camera you are configuring, you may opt to use the ‘Generate from Map’ button. This button will try its best to approximate placement of suspect tracking windows based on your map. You will probably still need to make some edits.

The suspect tracking ‘windows’ are drawn over the live camera image and act similar to a web page link, where clicking this window in Live Mode will automatically take you to the view of the associated camera.

Click on the New button to add a suspect tracking window.

Click and hold while you drag out a window over the camera image. Release to finish drawing the window. Even after drawing the window you can resize it and move it.

In the example above a window was placed to the left side because we have another camera down that hallway. You can change the fill color, border color and opacity for each window to make them stand out or easily identifiable for your users. Before you can click the Apply button you must select the ellipses button and choose the camera you want this window to be tied to.

When you are done editing your suspect tracking window, click Apply.

In Live mode a new camera association will appear.

Clicking or pressing this association toggles the suspect tracking windows on and off.

Double-clicking on the suspect tracking window will change that camera panel to the associated camera.

