Illustra Pro Gen2 Domes 2/3/5 MP experiencing motion event issues


Affects 2/3/5MP Pro Gen2 Dome with motion set to ON and could not be turned off. This only affected Pro Gen2 DOME models.

Models affected include:

Tested Version

ExacqVision Server



All platforms


Steps to reproduce

  • Connect to a 2/3/5 megapixel Pro Gen2 Dome with firmware 1.2.0.
  • Generate motion activity in the camera’s field of view.


Expected result

  • Motion event is generated as expected.


Actual result

  • Motion event is inconsistent.


Work Around

The camera firmware group has recommended the following:

1. Video stream 1 or 2 has be H.264.
2. The illustra3 plugin does not allow changing of context stream 2 but have seen cases where the iAPI3 shows h264 and still not setting motion. One way to verify is go to the ‘Event and Actions’->’Analytics’->’Motion Detection’ of the camera web page. If stream 2 is not set correctly, it would show a popup dialog with message ‘Operation Failed: No H264 stream found or stream too large’. In this case, just make sure to set stream 2 to H.264 and resolution of 1920×1440 or lower from the camera web page and reconnect the camera from EV client.
3. Medium or Low motion sensitivity is recommended.
4. Stream 2 should be H.264 and set to a resolution of 1920×1440 or lower. 
