How to Add AD/LDAP Security Group to ESM

Step 1:

Log into ESM and navigate to the Domain settings page. If you haven’t yet configured this, you will need to add your domain settings. You must have the proper Base DN, Binding DN and credentials for the account you will use to connect to Active Directory/LDAP. If you do not know these, contact your Active Directory/Network Admin. You will also need to know the IP address/Hostname and port number of that server.

Step 2:

After connecting to AD/LDAP, you need to add a group to ESM. A group named Root will exist by default. Any new groups will be nested under the Root group. In ESM groups contain both servers and users.

Once the group is added you will see it on the Group List page. Click the group name to go to the group settings page.

Step 3:

In the section titled Domain Associations, click on the pencil-shaped Edit button.

The Domain group drop-down menu will be populated with a list of AD/LDAP security groups. This will only show groups nested under your Base DN. If you do not see your group listed here, make sure you are using the correct Base DN.

You may choose to provide users in this group with the ability to log in to ESM, the exacqVision server, or both. If you provide them with server log in privileges this will be pushed out to all the servers inside that ESM group.

Once you’ve chosen which privileges to provide click the Associate button to finalize.

