Time Zone Only Shows UTC-0 Option


In the exacqVision Client software on the ‘System Configuration’ page, under the ‘Date/Time’ tab, the Time Zone drop down menu has only one option, UTC-0.



The user cannot set the proper server time zone.

Affecting only Windows systems, the script that obtains the time zones from the operating system has failed. The ‘timeconfig.ps1’ script will fail if the system is running PowerShell 2.0.

To check the version of PowerShell installed, open a PowerShell command prompt and enter:

Get-Host | Select-Object Version



Steps to correct:

  1. Update the installed version of PowerShell to 3.0 or higher.
  2. When the update has completed, restart the system.
  3. Run the exacqVision Server installer over the top of the existing install.
  4. Open the exacqVision Client software and set the proper time zone.
