How to Configure No Close Client Usage

Beginning with version 9.4, the exacqVision Desktop Client offers the ability for administrators to prevent users from deactivating an Event Monitoring profile. 

In previous versions, when an Event Monitoring profile was active a user could accidentally deactivate the profile by navigating away from it or by closing the client window.

With Client 9.4 or higher, an administrator can keep an Event Monitoring profile active even if the user tries to close the client window. In this scenario, if the user tries to close the client window it remains active in the system tray. When an event occurs, the window will reappear and come to the foreground in front of any other client instances that may be running.

A user that wants to view other cameras, perform video searches or perform other actions can still do so by opening another client instance, but they won’t miss an event from their Event Monitoring profile. 

To configure this, perform the following steps:

  1. Upgrade the exacqVision Desktop Client to 9.4 or greater.
  2. Open a file editor, such as Notepad for Windows, or gedit on Ubuntu Linux.
  3. Use the sample code, below, as your template.
    • Replace MYPROFILE with the name of the Event Monitoring profile you’ve created and wish to remain active.
    • Replace MYEVSERVER with either the system name or IP address of the exacqVision Server.
&lt?xml ?&gt<br>
&ltexacqVisionInit ShowTrayIcon="1" ShowToolbars="0" ShowNavPanel="0" Caption="Event Monitor System Tray" Delete="0"<br>RestoreOnAttnReq="1" Maximize="1" AllowAccelerators="0"&gt<br>
        &ltLive EventMonitor="MYPROFILE"&gt<br>
                &ltSystem Name="MYEVSERVER"/&gt<br>


  1. Save the newly created file to the Desktop, or other desired location, with a descriptive name and the .XDV file extension.

    In editors such as Notepad, you will need to use the ‘Save as type’ drop-down menu to select ‘All Files (*.*)’, then enter the desired file name with the .XDV extension included at the end.

You may place this .XDV file on any client machine that will connect to the server to run. When run, the client will open to the chosen Event Monitoring profile and cannot be deactivated. 
