ExacqPacq16 – Service Pack for exacqVision Systems running Ubuntu 16.04.

Several changes and fixes to the exacqVision Ubuntu 16.04 image have been rolled into a single installer – ExacqPacq16. 

Information regarding the changes and the version that were included are available below.  You can check the current Image version and what exacqpacq16 versions (if any) on your Linux machine by running the following in terminal:

head /Release_Notes.txt

head /Release-Notes_ExacqPacq16.txt


To install on an existing system, use the following steps:

1. Access the hidden downloads page at https://exacq.com/files

2. Download ‘exacqpacq16’ under ‘Ubuntu Service Pack > 16.04″

3. On the exacqVision Server, login to the admin Desktop.

4. Copy the ‘exacqpacq16’ file to the Desktop.

5. Run the following 3 commands in a terminal:

cd /home/admin/Desktop

sudo chmod 775 exacqpacq16

sudo ./exacqpacq16

6. Reboot



Version 18-10-06-01

* updated exacq Kiosk to version
* updated exacq linux utilities to version
* updating exacq vision una to version
* install exacqnetrules version
* Set swappiness to 10 to improve performance
* set cron job to kill initctl process once and hour. Ticket #11739
* DHCP timeout reduced to 30 Second in networking.service
* ifplugd package removed from image. Ticket #14765


* change .xsession errors attribute from +a to +i


* Installation log can now be accessed by admin account


* Removed Indicator-datetime #14784
* Added Python-requests package #15197
* Removed fcitx0module-kimpanel #14374
* Added libwebkitgtk package #14771
* Install ExacqLinuxUtilities Version
* Install Exacq Kiosk User Version
* Update libegl1-mesa Client Dependancy Debs #15785
* Set X-Session Errors files to Immutable #15464
* Turn off automatic apt update package list #15432
* Puts MSM Shortcut on Desktop if Missing #15308
* Patch x-session errors files filling up root partition Ticket #15432 15426
* Disable automatic Periodic Updates #15464
* installed exacqlinuxutilities version
* install exacqkiosk version

