If you’ve got a single monitor viewing station you may choose to run the client upon login during the install process of the exacqVision client. If you want to change that behavior to enable or disable it after you’ve already installed the client, just download the client installer from our website and run it again so you can change the option.
In cases where you may have multiple monitors and want to open several client instances, usually one for each monitor, we provide the following Knowledge Base articles on creating the shortcuts needed. Those shortcuts allow a user to run them to open the client to a specific saved view or event monitoring profile.
Opening exacqVision Client on Separate Monitors Using Short Cuts with Client 9.4 and Higher
Opening exacqVision Client on Separate Monitors Using Short Cuts with Client 9.2 and Earlier
To run the client shortcuts automatically upon login you will first need to have followed one of the articles above and then proceed with the following steps.
On windows systems you will place either the XDV file created for client 9.4 and higher, or the shortcut created for client 9.2 and earlier, into the Windows Startup folder. There are two different locations for this.
All users: %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Single user: %SystemDrive%\Users\%Username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
If placed in the first path listed above, the clients will open automatically for any user that logs into the system. If placed in the second path listed above, they will only open for the user account you replace %Username% with.
Now logging back into the machine with this user account should open the client instances based on the settings in your XDV files.
Open a Terminal prompt.
Move the XDV files for client 9.4 and higher, or the XML created for client 9.2 and earlier, to the place you’d like to store them on the system. Training in the use of Ubuntu/Linux or the Terminal is outside the scope of exacqVision support if you experience problems with these steps.
To move a file, type: sudo mv ˂FilePath˃/˂FileName˃
Then you will need to change the permissions of the XDV files, type: sudo chmod 766 ˂FilePath˃/˂FileName˃ (Ex. sudo chmod 766 /home/admin/Desktop/Monitor1.xdv )
In the following steps you will need to specify the name of the user account. In each example, replace ‘$USER’ with the name of the user account you are configuring. For example, if you created a user account named ‘securityguard’, you would replace ‘$USER’ in each command with ‘securityguard’.
Change your directory to the home directory of the user account. If you are targeting a Kiosk user account you will either need to elevate to root user or change the permissions on the directories as you go.
sudo chmod 777 /home/$USER
cd /home/$USER
sudo chmod 777 .config
cd .config
sudo chmod 777 autostart
cd autostart
Typing ‘ls’ above will list the files in the directory you’ve entered. Look for the file named ‘evc.desktop’. This file will only exist if you chose to start the client when logging in during your install. If it does not exist, create a new one by typing: sudo touch evc.desktop
sudo chmod 766 evc.desktop
Now edit the ‘evc.desktop’ file by typing:
sudo gedit evc.desktop
When opened the file will resemble the following:
If your file is empty, it is either because you just created it, or you made a typo. In Linux if you try to open a file that does not already exist it will attempt create it.
Change the ‘Exec’ line to the following:
Exec=bash -c "sleep 5 && padsp /user/local/exacq/client/edvrclient -F˂FilePath˃/˂FileName˃"
In the following example, the XDV file was placed inside the client install directory. There should be no space between the -F option and the file path.
Ex. Exec=bash -c "sleep 5 && padsp /user/local/exacq/client/edvrclient -F/usr/local/exacq/client/Monitor1.xdv"
From this point you need to create a new evc#.desktop file using the steps above for each XDV file you have. For simplicity, number them in order… evc1.desktop, evc2.desktop, etc.
Now logging back into the machine with this user account should open the client instances based on the settings in your XDV files.