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WD Firmware upgrade for 2TB RR02 drives

Firmware Issue Affecting
2TB Western Digital Drives

Exacq has been made aware of a firmware issue affecting 2TB Western Digital drives. This issue manifests itself on our exacqVision servers as a drive in the RAID Array going to ‘Unconfigured Bad’. While this is a recoverable error, due to the nature of the firmware issue with Western Digital, it will occur again. The scope of when these drives were used is fairly narrow within Exacq.


How do I know if my system has the faulty RR02 firmware?

The only systems Exacq built using drives with this firmware were the A and Z-Series servers with RAID and 2TB drives. Browse to your ‘Configuration’ page and select ‘Storage’ from the tree. Then select the ‘Hardware’ tab on the right.As you select ‘disks’ listed, you will see a Firmware Version listed. If this is RR02, proceed to the firmware upgrade process.If not, no action is needed.


What do I do if I have RR02 firmware?

Please see the PDF attached to this KB




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How to Enable ‘Check for Updates’ Behind Network Proxy

Exacq does not pull proxy settings from the LAN settings or Network Adapter settings. When ‘Check for Updates’ is selected it reaches out to to gather information on other versions of software, but if it is behind a network proxy it needs to know how to communicate with it. This requires creating an Environmental Variable in the operating system. See steps below for Windows, scroll further down for Linux.


  1. Click the Windows (Start) button.<br><br>
  2. Windows 10:
    Use the Search field to type ‘Environment Variable’, and click on the resulting option, titled ‘Edit the system environment variables‘.
    Windows 7:
    Right-click on Computer and choose Properties.<br><br>
  3. Within the System Properties window that appears, open the Advanced tab.<br><br>
  4. Click the Environment Variables… button.
  5. The bottom half of the Environment Variables window contains the System variables panel. Click on the New… button under this panel.
  6. In the New System Variable dialog, enter ‘http_proxy‘ into the Variable name field. The Variable value field will be filled with the IP or domain address of your proxy server. The picture below uses ‘’ as an example in this field. If you do not know the address of the proxy to use here, you will need to check with the site’s network administrator.
  7. Click OK when finished, then click OK to close the Environment Variables window, and OK again to close the System Properties window.


  1. Open a Terminal window by pressing CTRL+ALT+T.<br><br>
  2. At the prompt enter the command below, replace the ‘’ example with the IP of your proxy server.
    export http_proxy=<br><br>
  3. To make the new entry persistent, so it remains after future reboots of the server, you must add it to the environment configuration file.

    From the prompt in Terminal enter:
    sudo gedit /etc/environment<br><br>
  4. Add a new line. Replace the ‘’ address in the example with the IP of your proxy.
  5. Save the file.


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Creating a notification on IP Reconnection

The exacqVision software currently only sends notifications on the rising edge of a change in state, which allows it to send notifications on a loss in video or IP connection. In order to send notification on a reconnection we must detect the falling edge of the state change. This can be accomplished with a Source Group using the following steps which will assume you are monitoring an IP camera connection.

Follow the user manual for help in setting up your notification profiles.

From the Event Linking page, click on the New button (1) and select Source Group from the Event Type list (2).

Next, create an Event Source by clicking the New button (3).

In the window that appears give your new Source Group an identifiable name that describes what it does (1).

Choose the New button under Group Event Sources.

In this example we a monitoring an IP camera connection, so select IP Camera Connection from the list of Event Types.

Next, change the radio button selection for the Event Source to When not alarmed (4). This is what tells the software that the state has changed from an alarmed connection to no-longer alarmed, which is reconnected.

Finally, select your IP device from the list (5) and click Apply.

Back in the Event Linking window, select Notify from the Action Type menu (1).

Select your Action Target, in this case we have named our Email message profile Camera Reconnect (2) but it will display the names of the profiles that you have created.

Click Apply to complete the set up.

