Knowledge Support Categories exacqVision Webservice Products

Axis fisheye camera dewarping and the exacqVision Web Service

Only supported on Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Windows 7, 8, and Windows Server 2010.
These instructions are dependent upon your system supporting OpenGL 3.0 or higher.


  1. On an exacqVision Server, change the Operating System to automatically login to “admin” following the instructions in KB 45061.
  2. Place the attached webservice_fisheye_fix.bat file into your auto-login user’s Desktop.
  3. Use the Windows Task Scheduler to create a task with the following options:

    * Under the “General” tab, check “Run with highest privileges”
    * Under “Triggers”, click “New”. Set “Begin the task” to “At log on”
    * Under “Actions”, click “New”. “Browse” to the “webservice_fisheye_fix.bat” above.
  4. Reboot.
    NOTE: At each boot, there will be a command prompt left running, this can be minimized, but not closed.

To revert:

  1. Delete the “webservice_fisheye_fix.bat” file and remove the Scheduled Task.
  2. Configure machine to login as “user”.
  3. Reboot.


UBUNTU 12.04 and 14.04

  1. On an exacqVision Server, change the Operating System to automatically login to “admin” following the instructions in KB 39795.
  2. If on 14.04, run the following single-line command in terminal:
    sudo mv /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/ /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/
  3. Place the attached file in “/home/”
  4. Place the attached webservice_fisheye_fix.desktop file in “/home/admin/.config/autostart/”
  5. In Terminal, run
    sudo chmod 766 /home/
  6. Reboot
    NOTE: If your webservice fails to start after the reboot, rename the file back because it does not exist on your system or the webservice is incompatible with the system version:
    In Terminal, type sudo mv /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/ /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/

To revert:

  1. Delete the 2 files from steps 3 and 4.
  2. Configure the machine to login as “User”, then run this command:

sudo mv /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/ /usr/local/exacq/webservice/bin/


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

How to disable zoom control in Live view for motorized zoom cameras


Some fixed cameras provide a motorized zoom feature that is useful to set the field of view. Generally, setting the field of view is done once during initial configuration and not performed frequently during normal viewing of the scene. For some cameras, adjusting the field of view may take the camera out of focus. Due to these reasons, it is often desirable to prohibit zoom control on the Live page of the exacqVision Client.

The following steps describe how to disable zoom control:

1) Navigate to the Mechanical PTZ tab on the camera Settings page.
2) Use Zoom function to place the camera at the position which provides the appropriate field of view.
3) Change the drop down setting of Serial Port to Off.
4) On the Video tab click on the Auto Focus button.

The camera will no longer be able to zoom in/out by accident on the Live page using the mouse scroll wheel. To make any further changes in the camera’s field of view using the zoom feature, you will need to go back to the Mechanical\PTZ tab in camera settings and turn the Serial Port back to IP. Once done making adjustments, be sure to turn this setting back to Off


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

Manually Testing Email Notifications with cURL

Note: while you can test your profile/server via client’s Test Profile button, you won’t get cURL’s most complete debug information, which can sometimes be very informative when diagnosing notification failures.


ExacqVision Server versions 6.8 and higher use cURL to send notifications. If you are experiencing failures in sending notifications from the servers you may find error codes in the ExacqVision logs indicating the problem. In performing manual testing, you can remove ExacqVision from the equation and test only the cURL mechanism used to send notifications to your SMTP server using the following steps:

  1. Open a CMD prompt in Windows or Terminal on Ubuntu/Linux<br><br>
  2. Navigate to the ExacqVision Server directory with the cd command.

    Windows 32-bit – C:\Program Files (x86)\exacqVision\Server
    Windows 64-bit – “C:\Program Files\exacqVision\Server”
    Ubuntu – “/usr/local/exacq/server” <br><br>
  3. Enter the following command string into the CMD prompt window, replacing with the details of your SMTP server and account:
    curl smtps://url -v --mail-from "from-address@domain" --mail-rcpt "to-address@domain" -u useraccount:password -T "samplefile.txt" -k --anyauth --connect-timeout 60 --stderr
    <br><br>As an example, the above command with the proper credentials would look like the following:
    curl smtps:// -v --mail-from "" --mail-rcpt "" -u -T "C:\Users\anyuser\Desktop\test.txt" -k --anyauth --connect-timeout 60 --stderr
    <br>Here’s an example of the text file:

    Subject: Test subject
    Body of message.



  • When testing on Ubuntu/Linux you must use the absolute file path to curl: (/usr/local/exacq/server/curl smtps://url...)<br><br>
  • Because this contains the -v option the output will be verbose. Any errors will be shown as well as any successes. cURL error code meanings can be found online.<br><br>
  • cURL errors can be looked up here.<br><br>
  • SMTP errors can be looked up here.


Considerations for Gmail

  • Gmail ALWAYS requires SSL. If you attempt to use without SSL, you will likely get:
    curl: (55) MAIL failed: 530<br><br>
  • With SSL, the following error is possible if Gmail is not configured with an App Password.
    curl: (67) Login denied<br><br>
  • Gmail will require an App Password be configured for ExacqVision to send notifications.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

“Found Server Awaiting Key” connection status

The ExacqVision Client software authenticates to the Server software through an exchange of encryption keys. When you first connect to a server, you should see the “Found Server, Awaiting Key” message very briefly. Once keys are exchanged successfully and the user is authenticated, the status changes to “Connected”.

If the status is stuck at “Found Server, Awaiting Key“, this means that the ExacqVision Client software connected to the hostname/IP address of the server, found that the ExacqVision Server software is running and initiated the exchange of keys. However, the Client has not yet received the keys from the Server.

This can be due to to severe network congestion or faults, or the ExacqVision Server software being in a stalled state.
If some remote clients can connect, and others cannot, then there is likely a communication issue. This can be due to network congestion, anti-virus software or firewall software on either the server or client machine.

If the local client cannot connect, anti-virus software running on the local server may be interfering with communication, or the Server software may be stalled.

For information on how to restart the Server software, see:
Stopping and Starting the ExacqVision Server Service

For information on using anti-virus with exacqVision software, see:
Using Antivirus Software with ExacqVision
