Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

Unable to start the ExacqVision Server service because of Event ID 7000

Important note before you begin – The following article contains instructions on how to edit the registry in Windows. The user assumes all risk when editing the registry as doing this can seriously affect how the system performs.

 To explain the way to get the ExacqVision Server service to start when the message “X is not a valid Win32 application” error message prompts.

Resolution:  Edit the registry entry with the path to start the “core.exe” program associated with the ExacqVision Server service.


  1. Open the registry – click Start > Run > type regedit in the box > click OK
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > services > exacqVisionServer
  3. Locate and open the ImagePath entry on the right.
  4. Add a single quote at the front and back of the path shown and click OK- For example: “C:\Program Files(x86)\exacqVision\Server\core.exe”
  5. Restart the server and make sure the service starts.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Create custom multistreams using profiles for Samsung cameras

The parameters of secondary streams (multistreams) that can be created in exacqVision are defined by the stream profiles defined in Samsung cameras. Samsung cameras ship with default profiles like H.264, MJPEG or mobile. These profiles each define a codec, default resolution and default framerate.

For example the default camera profiles may not provide a second H.264 stream. If two H.264 streams are required, the administrator can go to the camera’s configuration web page and modify or add an additional profile with the desired attributes. Once created in the camera, this profile will be available for selection in the exacqVision camera configuration page when creating a multistream.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

How to enable the 2nd SD card slot for Edge recording on dual-slot equipped Axis cameras

How to enable the 2nd SD card slot for Edge recording on dual-slot equipped Axis cameras

Some new Axis cameras come equipped with two SD card slots. By default exacqVision Edge will not recognize both slots. To enable the 2nd SD card slot for storage peform the following steps:

1. Using a web browser, open http://x.x.x.x/admin-bin/editcgi.cgi?file=/usr/local/packages/ExacqVision/, where “x.x.x.x” is the ip address of the camera.
2. Add this line to the end of the file: ln -s ${MNT_POINT}2 ${PKGDIR}/edvr/1
3. Click Save.
4. Stop and start the exacqVision server.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Hardware

How to Expand an Array with an LSI Controller

Purpose: To show the process of adding a drive labeled Unconfigured Good to an existing array. This guide assumes that a new drive(s) has been added to at least one unused drive bay that will be used to expand.

Modify the Drive Group

  1. If the server was shut down, close the exacqVision client and log out of user and into admin.
  2. Minimize the exacqVision Client and open the LSI MegaRAID Storage manager. This can be accessed by either selecting Start > All Programs > MegaRAID Storage Manager > StartupUI or double-clicking the MegaRAID Manager icon on the Desktop (if present).
  3. The Host View page will open. Select the Host that comes up in the list to get the login window.
  4. Log in with the OS credentials configured for the system and select Login.
    (If using a legacy Exacq system, the credentials will be admin/admin256 in Windows and root/exacqvisionip in Linux.)
  5. Navigate to the Logical tab next to the Physical tab.
  6. Locate the proper Drive Group for RAID 5 or 6 then right-click it and select Modify Drive Group.
    (Select Drive Group: 0, RAID (5,6) for systems with only one Drive Group. For systems with the additional OS-on-RAID option, select Drive Group: 1, Raid (5,6))
  7. Select the box next to Confirm and then select Yes.
  8. Use the drop-down at the bottom of the page and select RAID 6 and then select Next.
  9. Select the box next to the Available Drive you want to add and then select Next.
  10. Confirm the Post modification settings are larger than the Current settings and select Finish.
  11. Reconstruction of the array will begin. This can take a large amount of time.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

USB I/O Linux installer will not run when double-clicked

Affected Platforms

Linux 12.04 and 14.04


You receive the following error when installing the USBDio installer in Linux:

Could not open ‘exacqVisionDio.deb’ The package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file. Check the permissions of the file.


You will need to install the package via the command-line. Here are the steps to install the package:

  1. Place the package ‘exacqVisionDio.deb’ on the desktop
  2. Open the terminal. Applications –> Accessories –> Terminal
  3. Run the following command:
    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/exacqVisionDio.deb
  4. Enter your password when prompted
