exacqVision 7.2 and higher: Check the box labeled “Use SSL” on the “ActiveDirectory/LDAP” configuration page, then press “Apply”. <br> exacqVision prior to 7.2: This article contains procedures for configuring SSL on exacqVision servers so that you can make Active Directory operations more secure.There are many ways to generate, install, and manage certificates in order to… Continue reading Configuring SSL on an exacqVision Server for Active Directory/LDAP (Linux)
Month: December 2014
Replacing a Drive on an exacqVision System with an LSI RAID Controller
It is considered best practice to periodically check the health and status of exacqVision storage devices. If a device has failed, this guide explains the steps needed to replace that device using exacqVision Client and LSI MegaRAID Storage Manager. <br> Identify and Replace the Failed Drive <br> Add the New Drive to the Array <br>… Continue reading Replacing a Drive on an exacqVision System with an LSI RAID Controller
Archiving Status: Target File Write Stalled (Linux)
Starting in exacqVision 6.6, the Archiving page can report a status of Failed – Target File Write Stalled. This status is displayed after 15 minutes of inactivity during an active archive task. While in this condition, archiving is stalled and hardware monitoring is stopped, but video recording continues normally. This condition affects only Linux-based exacqVision… Continue reading Archiving Status: Target File Write Stalled (Linux)