Auto Export to a Network Share from Linux-based Exacq Server

To configure auto export from a Linux-based Exacq Server to a network share, complete the following steps: (Windows procedure here)<br><br> NOTE: For Linux-based systems, this procedure is available in exacqVision Server/Client version 6.6 and later.<br><br> To remove the network target, complete the following steps: <br>

Installing Third-Party Software Fails in Windows Embedded (Installer Service Error 1719)

Some third-party programs cannot be installed in Windows Embedded because the Windows Installer service fails to start (error 1719). This usually occurs with programs that change the registry in conjunction with other third-party software, such as anti-virus programs. As a workaround, you can start the service manually, install the program, and then stop the service.… Continue reading Installing Third-Party Software Fails in Windows Embedded (Installer Service Error 1719)