Motion Not Recorded

Are you seeing colored borders around the live video panels in the exacqVision Client when motion appears to be occurring? <br> Yes: Go to the Camera Time section below.No: Go to the Motion Area section below. NOTE: If the camera is configured to detect motion and also configured for Free Run recording on its schedule… Continue reading Motion Not Recorded

Cannot Connect to IP Camera

Step 1 – Verify Camera Compatibility Use the exacqVision IP Camera Integration database to confirm that the camera is supported for the exacqVision Server version being used. To determine the server version, refer to the article How can I find the version of my exacqVision Client, Server, or Web Service software?. If the camera is… Continue reading Cannot Connect to IP Camera

Arecont Panoramic Cameras Disconnecting from exacqVision

This article is applicable to Arecont Panoramic 8xx5 and 20xx5 series cameras. The issue appeared during testing of the following specific models: –8185 with 65043 firmware –8185DN with 65170 firmware –20185DN with 65170 firmware When you open an Arecont Panoramic camera’s web page, exacqVision could lose its connection to the camera because of different image… Continue reading Arecont Panoramic Cameras Disconnecting from exacqVision

Enabling PTZ on a Camera Connected to an Axis Encoder

To enable PTZ functionality on a PTZ-enabled camera connected to an exacqVision system through an Axis encoder, you must install and configure the appropriate PTZ driver on the encoder. To do this, complete the following steps: Download PTZ drivers from the Axis web site. You must know the encoder series and model, along with the… Continue reading Enabling PTZ on a Camera Connected to an Axis Encoder